How to Use The Snapshot (Windows, Linux and Mac)

Published in
3 min readNov 22, 2017


Updated: January 20, 2021

If you are having some kind of problem with the wallet, funds lost, wrong chain or stuck in a block. Just follow the steps below and you will be fine.

For WINDOWS 10 just run this script (pass to unzip: 123) to automate the process.

For Mac OS run this script to automate the process.

The Script will:
1 — Download the latest Snapshot and latest Wallet Release.
2 — Backup of your Espers data folder .
3 — Unpack the Wallet and Snapshot in the right place .
4 — Restore the wallet.dat and espers.conf in ESP Data Folder .
5 — Create a desktop shortcut for the wallet .

Anyway, let’s go to the step-by-step tutorial:

First of all download the latest version of the wallet for Windows or Mac OS.

1 — Update your nodes:

· Close the wallet.
· Delete the file peers.dat
· Edit Espers.conf and delete all lines that start with “addnode=…”
· Copy and paste these lines into your Espers.conf:

2 — Download the snapshot (for both systems: Windows, Linux or Mac OS) from here (direct link) or here.

3 — Delete all files of the ESP folder except “wallet.dat” and “Espers.conf”.

(Don’t delete the “wallet.dat” is where your coins are stored, make a backup of it.)

Files to delete on ESP folder

4 —Move the snapshot files to the ESP folder (make sure that the show hidden files option is enabled).

5 — Open your wallet and wait to sync, then it will be finished.

This method should work on Windows and Linux (tested on Ubuntu 16.04) and MAC (tested on Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.6), just the location of the ESP folder will be changed.

Location of the ESP folder

(make sure that the show hidden files option is enabled):

For Windows users

Open explorer or ( [flag]+[r] ), and type into the address bar:


For OSX users

Open the Finder by pressing [shift] + [cmd] + [g] and then enter:

~/Library/Application Support/ESP

For Linux users

The directory is hidden in your User folder. Go to:


If necessary additionally you can do a rescan.


To rescan your local database, you need to call the Espers wallet binary with the “ -rescan” command line argument.


  1. Close your wallet, right click on the wallet icon, create shortcut.
  2. Then right click on the shortcut you just made and go to properties.
  3. In the properties section, in the “Target” box, go to the end of the string (outsided of the parenthesis if there are any) and add this: “-rescan”
  4. Click on apply, and then okay.
  5. Then open your wallet with the shortcut.
  6. You only have to do this once.


  1. Close the wallet.
  2. Go to C:\Users\YOUR_WINDOWS_USER\AppData\Roaming\ESP and locate Espers.conf file (make sure that the show hidden files option is enabled).
  3. Open it with noetpad.
  4. On the top put “rescan=1” save it and Re-launch your Espers client.
  5. When the rescan is finished close your wallet.
  6. Go back to espers.conf and edit the first line like this “rescan=0” and save it.
  7. Re-launch your Espers client.

This will take a bit of time since the chain is pretty big, but at the end your wallet should have all your transactions and missing funds show up.

This method should work on both OS (Windows, Linux and Mac), only the location of the ESP folder will be changed.

Location of the ESP folder (make sure that the show hidden files option is enabled):

  • in Windows: C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\ ESP
  • in Linux: /home/yourusername/.ESP
  • in Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/ESP

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